Simple Cherry Pie Filling

This simple cherry pie filling goes absolutely perfectly with homemade pie dough. You’ll love it over your morning yogurt or even over buttermilk pancakes.

Let’s get started!

Servings: 10

– 6 cups sweet cherries pitted – 3/4 cup water – 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice – 3/4 cup granulated sugar – 1/4 cup cornstarch – 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

TOTAL Time: 20 minutes


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The first thing you want to do is pit your cherries. I only do this with a cherry pitter. It is an absolute must in this recipe.



Then add the pitted cherries to a saucepan along with the cornstarch, sugar, water, lemon juice, and vanilla extract.



Mix it all together and let it come to a boil. Then bring the heat down and let simmer on low for about 10 minutes.

The best way to store homemade pie filling like this is to place it into clean mason jars and place it in the refrigerator. Make sure the lids are tightly screwed on to preserve the pie filling as best as you can.