Smoked Salmon Appetizer

All you need is 4 ingredients to make this Smoked Salmon Appetizer recipe. These tasty appetizers are very elegant yet super simple to make and their subtle flavor makes them easy to serve with almost any meal.

Let’s get started!

Servings: 30rolls

– 8 oz cream cheese softened – 1 large cucumber – 1 tbsp dill chopped – 3 oz smoked salmon

TOTAL Time: 30 Min


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Make the spread.


First, combine the softened cream cheese, chopped dill, and smoked salmon into a smooth spread.

Peel the cucumber.


Then, peel the cucumber into thin strips using a vegetable peeler. Blot each cucumber slice with a paper towel to absorb any moisture on the cucumber.

Assemble the appetizer.


Now spread the smoked salmon spread on top and tightly roll each sliced cucumber up. Serve.